New Heads of School, Deputy Heads of School, and School Prefects are appointed at King's Ely| News | King's Ely | Private School In Cambridgeshire

King's Ely's new Heads of School, Deputy Heads of School, and School Prefects are appointed

King's Ely NEWS

New Heads of School, Deputy Heads of School, and School Prefects are appointed at King's Ely

September 5th, 2024

Our Heads of School, Deputy Heads of School, and School Prefects have received their robes!

Heads of School for 2024-25 are Yanki Ertem and Edith Thomson.

Deputy Heads of School are Eleanor Kittoe and Anna Ost.

School Prefects are Finlay Beeton, Rory Brech, Polly Casey, Allison Chiu, Georgina Dray, Leo Good, Libby Hills, Anya Hjaltun-Rayner, Jack Jeremy, Angie Lai, Samuel Lott, Alexander New, Harriet Petherick, Alina Savchuck, Charlotte Senior, Chris Wang, James Warren, and Amelia Wicke.

As is custom here at King's, the 22-strong team were awarded their medals and robes at our Beginning of Year Service, held at Ely Cathedral on September 3rd.

What a stellar group of young people - congratulations all!